Getting Started with Aluminum

Once you have built Aluminum, you probably want to use it. Aluminum is in many respects quite similar to MPI, so if you have experience with that, things should be familiar.

This is a simple “Hello, world” program that shows key aspects of Aluminum:

#include <Al.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // Initialize Aluminum.
  // Must be called before any other Aluminum calls.
  Al::Initialize(argc, argv);

  // Create a communicator with all processes.
  typename Al::MPIBackend::comm_type comm;

  // Each process prints its rank and the communicator size.
  std::cout << "Hello, world, from rank "
            << comm.rank() << " of "
            << comm.size() << std::endl;

  // Do a simple (in-place) allreduce.
  int rank = comm.rank();
  Al::Allreduce<MPIBackend>(&rank, 1, Al::ReductionOperator::sum, comm);
  std::cout << "The sum of ranks is "
            << rank << std::endl;

  // Clean up Aluminum.

  return 0;

For additional examples and more detail (including accelerator backends), see the Aluminum examples.